Building a Referral Network for Your Ortho-K Practice – Dr. Matthew Martin

July 1, 2020

Building a Referral Network for Your Ortho-K Practice – Dr. Matthew Martin

Are you looking to start a new myopia management practice, or to transition from a traditional practice into an Ortho-K focused practice? Attend and listen to one of the Midwest’s most successful orthokeratologists, Dr. Matthew Martin, share his advice on building strong referral networks to help you achieve your goals. Discover how he and his staff ask for the referral support from his current patients and their parents. Hear him explain how he uses easy-to-acquire in-house videos to gain referrals from both his website and social media platforms. Also, described will be his tips for communicating with local ECPs and pediatricians and much more.

Learning Objective #1

Learn how patients and their parents may be your most important referral source

Learning Objective #2

Hear and see how the website and social media videos from doctors an important methods are for generating referrals

Learning Objective #3

Understand the benefit of reaching out to other eye care providers – and tips to do it.