Ensuring Young Myopic Patients Get the Care and Information They Need – Dr. Michael J. Lipson Webinar

July 28, 2020

Ensuring Young Myopic Patients Get the Care and Information They Need – Dr. Michael J. Lipson Webinar

Summertime in the eye care provider’s office can be the busiest time of year with back to school visits. In 2020, these visits will be different, as ECP’s and patients alike adapt to new office protocols for eye examination and contact lens fits, as well as shifting education policies. These visits are more important than ever as opportunities to prepare patients and parents for the school year and address their concerns about safety.

This webinar will focus on the impacts these procedures and policy changes might have on young myopic patients and their parents as they prepare to start the 2020-2021 school year and struggle to prioritize when to spend family money on health care. How do we discuss myopia with nervous parents and help them understand that controlling the children’s myopia is safe and not a therapy to be delayed? How can we help parents mitigate possible effects of e-learning on their children’s myopia?

Dr. Michael Lipson will share his thoughts on the best ways to start these conversations and more ahead of the 2020 school year.